Our Story
The Past Players Association has been formed to bring together anyone who has had a connection or is currently involved at the Bentleigh Football Netball Club while helping grow support for the club at all levels.
It is targeted at, but not limited to, past & present players, partners, parents and supporters of the club.
The Bentleigh Football Netball Club Past Players Association (BFNCPPA) was formed in 2020, with the aim of developing, maintaining and reinforcing the extraordinary bond that exists between those fortunate enough to have played at senior level with our great club.

Our Club
Our members have been representing the Bentleigh area for over 100 years
The club was established in 1965, and was originally called Bentleigh Methodists Football Club. In 1965 the club had enough seniors to enter the Eastern Suburban Churches Football Association D grade and won nine and lost nine games.​
In 1968 the club won their first premiership downing Mont Albert by 98 points. Promoted to C grade, the club lost the C grade grand final in 1970 and the B grade in 1971. The ESCFA had a system of both Grand Finals teams got promoted so to avoid the risk of a side playing dead so not to get promoted. By 1972 they were in A grade.​
In 2015 the name became Bentleigh Football and Netball Club to include the netballers and acknowledge the efforts they put in for the club.
Office Bearers

What's on offer?
Our group has membership from past BFNC players and officials, past Bentleigh Juniors players and officials, Bentleigh Federal League players and officials and even members from clubs that no longer exist such as East Bentleigh and Brighton United.
Past players and officials are a very important group that are often neglected by sporting clubs. We aim to make sure that this is not the case at Bentleigh. Successful clubs, particularly at the AFL level have thriving past players organizations.
Mature age football & Netball
Social event’s and reunions
Volunteer and networking opportunities
Masters Football
AFL Masters is football that allows mature players the opportunity to participate in our great game of Australian Rules Football.
Supers: 35 years and over
Masters: 40 years and over
Seniors: 45 years and over
Legends: 50 years and over
GESAC Netball
When it comes to girls and sport, these are all problems that most parents, coaches or mentors face at some stage.
Our research also tells us that sport makes girls feel more confident.
Bentleigh FNC is committed to keeping girls in the game and decreasing their drop out rate in sport.
Southern FNL
One of the aims of the SFNL is to offer a fun, safe, fair and inclusive environment to all participants and spectators.
In 2015, the League changed its name from Southern Football League to Southern Football Netball League.

How can you join the BFNCPPA?
We foster regular contact between members through functions, matchday get-togethers and other social activities. We also play an important role in the welfare of former Demons, looking out for and helping those who might be going through some tough times. We have exciting plans for the future.
We're growing our database of former players all the time, and are looking at new ways to engage with our former Demons and help them to stay connected. We're also strengthening our welfare focus, determined to do more to help those former players in need.

BFNCPPA Sponsors
We thank the sponsors of our past players associtaion who have helped our club to succes. The Committee's objective is now to establish a group of successful past players to provide leadership and guidance to all our community members.